Yeah, me too. 
And can I just say – fuck those spaces? 
(Also, my love, for the record, it wasn’t you.)

This is definitely not another surface-level Zoom room that leaves you uninspired, bored, even more lonely, and itching for something REAL.

Remember all those spaces that *claimed* to celebrate your big ambitions but turned their backs when you stepped outside the unspoken lines or became ‘too much?’

This is raw, unedited life coaching backed by neuroscience and delivered by a trained clinical therapist who goes first in practicing what I teach.

So you can see real transformations and breakthroughs in your life. 

transformations like these

Kelly S.

The emotional pieces of this experience are truly changing everything for me.

I’m breaking free from things I didn’t even know were holding me back for years. 

Just, thank you!”

“I have gained so much more clarity on what I want, what my goals are, and how to actually do it all than ever before.

bryn d.

Since meeting Ash and receiving her guidance, I have felt so wildly supported that I was able to make massive changes in my life and business with relative ease.”

“I have been reminded of my own magic and encouraged to play all out in a way that actually feels good for my nervous system.

Shannon B.

“I feel like I’ve gone from a high school to a college level emotionally. 

I always get SO MUCH out of the emotional work we do, and it just helps me tremendously with everything in business and life.”

Devoney T.

“My greatest takeaway is the embodiment of who I want to be and how to start being her.”

You absolutely can reinvent yourself, become who you were meant to be, ignite your feminine superpowers, and feel peacefully, intrinsically motivated by your desires and ambitions.


Sounds all poetic and easy on paper, doesn’t it? 

"Girl, do things that scare you!"
"Don’t let fear stop you!"

The bridge between where you are now and who you want to be is the ability and self-permission to do the things that scare you—over and over again.



(Rolls eyes)

  • What you were taught growing up

  • What everyone else thinks

  • Actual logistics and responsibilities – like jobs, mortgages, and kids!

Knowing what you really want and going after those things is not that simple, especially when…

Tug on you to suck it up, stick things out, and stop causing waves with all your ‘crazy’ ideas, dreams, and plans.


How can it not break your fucking heart that ¾ of the population on this planet has the same regret:

76% of people get to the end of their lives and think, 
“Damn, I wasn’t myself.”


Deep down, you already know this... but I'm going to affirm it for you anyway.

You can either choose to sit in the discomfort of wishing your life was different or choose to move into the life you really want.

I won’t sugarcoat it. To get more out of this life, you need to do the fucking-tough-but-worth-it inner work of becoming the woman who can hold more.

Most people wouldn’t dare.

Most people will decide to stay comfortable but miserable instead of following those ‘‘what if” dreams that keep you up at night. 

But you have never done things like “most people,” and that’s why you’re here (and why I love you so much!).

My love, you’ve arrived – it’s time to claim your seat! 

As a trained clinical therapist and life coach, I’ve helped thousands of women identify and reach their big, bold, ‘too much’ ambitions. 

And I’m here to help you do the same. 

“I might not know exactly what I want or how I’ll get there (yet) – but I am *done* settling for what I ‘should’ do to keep the status quo happy…”


They don’t put those skills on a degree. But don’t worry. I also have the legit credentials to back up the work we’ll do together:

✓ A double Master’s in Counseling Psychology and Sociology.

✓ Four years as a therapist in private practice.

✓ 7+ years of experience as a life and business coach, helping thousands of women experience massive breakthroughs and expansions.

✓ Not to mention, over 10 years as a mom & wife. 

I help ambitious, rule-breaking, resilient women who have gone through a lot of shit in this life to heal, pursue what they really want, and unleash their truest, most authentic selves. 

Hi, I'm Ash Mcdonald

So, no, you’re not about to sign up for another ‘You can do anything!’ pep talk.

You get neuroscience-backed tools that actually heal your nervous system and create positive breakthroughs in your life.

Instead, when we work together…

Did I mention I walk the walk?

Like you, I have fought for everything I have. And I’ve been through it – bankruptcy, jail, miscarriages. 

I’ve made millions of dollars in revenue as a business owner. Had three kids I’m wildly proud of. Built our dream home! Sold all our possessions and traveled the world while homeschooling. 

Everything I teach you about looking fear in the eye and saying, ‘Let’s fucking go!’ – I do it first. 

The Above The Standard Collective is your space to show up and belong with your ‘too muchness’ while receiving the tools, healing, and self-permission to live the life you really want.

You’ll have a safe place to heal from the stuff no one talks about, go after the big dreams that are so massive they terrify you most days, and create a life that’s lived for you.

  • You’ll be intrinsically drawn and motivated to the desires you want (not that you’re ‘supposed’ to want), and become the woman who can hold these higher standards for her life.

  • You’ll trust yourself, your intuition, and your ability to pivot, reinvent yourself, and make decisions—no matter how impossible it seems to everyone else. 

  • You’ll recognize the truest version of yourself and feel so liberated to actually be her.

  • You’ll elevate your life to that standard of more you’ve been wanting – in your relationships, motherhood, work, love, and health.

And guess what happens when you finally do the inner work it takes to live unapologetically as the truest version of yourself?

Fireside Chats where you receive wisdom from resilient and bold women like you who are allergic to surface-level conversations. 


Monthly healing intensives that go deep on topics like reinvention, cultivating belonging, discovering contentment, healing money wounds and so much more.


Live, raw, and unedited Voxer life coaching, behind-the-scenes musings on the things I’m doing in business and life, and Q&A sessions every week.


 (Because fuck the status quo!)

A life-coaching membership and community that helps resilient, ambitious women go from “I’m too much” to unapologetically creating the big, bold, beautiful life you truly want.

The Above The Standard Collective


At just $167/month, this is way more affordable than your monthly therapy appointment, spiritual direction session, or the mastermind you're thinking about joining!

 And, might I add…

Six or 12-month membership options available!


Your membership includes:

Hannah D.

“This membership is absolutely a safe way to experience all the support, coaching, and breakthroughs Ash provides without a major financial investment hanging over your head. 

I have been able to answer questions like ‘What do I want?’ and ‘What aligns with me?’ This has been instrumental in my ability to go after what I want in my work and life.”

Here’s how the Above The Standard Collective gives you the safe space, courage, tools, support, and inner healing to hold more for your life.

Unedited life coaching, Q&A sessions, and behind-the-scenes access to me and what I’m doing each week.


Send me your questions on anything—finances, marriage, business, hormones, podcasting, parenting, money, sex, time management, having a tough conversation with your mom—anything. 

I’ll answer them personally and give you the coaching, tools, and support to handle these parts of your life as the Above-the-Standard woman you want to be.

You’ll also get the raw, unedited version of how I’m navigating my life and business in real-time. We’ll go deep into everything: homeschooling, launching, my health routine, and making business pivots—nothing is off the table here! 

Key past musings are kept in your Mighty Networks membership portal and organized by category so you can always access the topics that are most relevant to you.


Intimate conversations with female experts who share unfiltered wisdom on topics like anxiety, grief, eating disorders, body image, relationships, and so much more. 

Get ready to release shame collectively as you learn from other amazing leaders and conversationalists who share the vulnerable parts of their stories and welcome all your brokenness and healing as they address the questions you really want answers to.

Remember all those times you sat in a Zoom meeting with eyes glazed over as someone gave *another* cookie-cutter presentation? This is not that.

This is us, sitting around the fire together as another woman shares her honest heart, story, and wisdom with us in a way that allows you to see yourself in others and recognize the strength inside you. 

You’ll learn from leaders on everything from building a personal brand, living a life of ‘more’ after massive burnout, eating disorder recovery, body image, anxiety, relationship therapy, navigating life as a multi-passionate who wants to do 20 different things at once, and so much more. 


Neuroscience-backed inner healing intensives that help you become the woman who can hold more for her life.

Every month, we’ll explore specific topics such as extracting & rewriting your story, reinventing yourself, reparenting your inner child, cultivating belonging within & without, maximizing your time and energy and so much more. I’ll give you real, applicable tools for removing any blocks and holding more in these areas of your life.

I’ll give you real, applicable tools for removing any blocks and holding more in these areas of your life.

The delivery of our healing intensives varies each month and can include Zoom Masterclass meetings, Voxer-style workshops with coaching, pre-recorded audio teachings, and more. 

All healing intensives will be recorded and organized in your Mighty Networks membership by topic, so you can listen to past ones or revisit them anytime.

Exclusive Invitations To Member-Only Events & In-Person Retreats

Plus – members also get first access and special discounted pricing on courses, coaching programs, and opportunities to work with me throughout the the year! 


join the waitlist

Weekly Musings
Library of past Musings & teachings 
Monthly Fireside Chats
Monthly Healing Intensives
Member-Only Event Invites
BONUS 1:1 Breakthrough Call! This is a personalized coaching intensive with me that focuses on anything you want support on (valued at $ 697!).

*12-month commitment (from there, your membership auto-renews monthly until you cancel with 30 days’ notice).

One Year Membership

12-monthly payments — $167/month

join the waitlist

Weekly Musings
Library of past Musings & teachings 
Monthly Fireside Chats
Monthly Healing Intensives
Member-Only Event Invites

*Six-month commitment (from there, your membership auto-renews monthly until you cancel with 30 days' notice).

6-Month Membership

6 monthly payments | $197/month

Choose your membership details, and get started today!

Best Value

Doors to The Above The Standard Collective are closed until 2025!

limited enrollment!

Jamie s.

“This is the best investment I’ve made, so much so that I signed up for another year! 


If you’re looking for a human-first approach to life coaching that is zero cookie cutter and no bullshit – this is it.”

Your instincts are right. 

The gap between programs that say they deliver transformation and real belonging and those that actually do is alarming. 

You’re not the only one who has noticed– and it is absolutely not because you are ‘too much’ to fit in anywhere.

It’s just that there are not a lot of spaces for women like us – bold, resilient, have been through a lot of shit and fought for everything we have, unruly, and who refuse to settle for ordinary.

Nervous about making *another* investment that promises big but underdelivers?

But I’m not afraid to create what I want and what I know my clients need, too.


Press play on the video below to see your Above The Standard Collective Membership portal and everything we have in store for you for the coming months! 

Group coaching programs where you feel disconnected from the other members and like you’re getting good info … but not the specific teachings that are right for you.

Your talk therapy sessions that, while great, sometimes leave you wanting more applicable things you can do to see shifts in your life and true inner healing. 

Your networking groups and coffee chat calls that leave you feeling like an outsider.

So, is $167/month worth it to replace everything you’re currently doing to experience the breakthroughs and belonging you crave? 


Your membership in The Above The Standard Collective can replace (or enhance!)...

All those Instagram DMs that fizzle out after the polite “Hi, nice to meet you’s”.

shannon b.

“I have been to therapy on and off my whole life, and it does not compare anything close to the growth I have had over the past two years working with Ash.”

Yes, we discuss business in this membership (especially if that’s on your mind), but this is not only for business owners.

This is life coaching for you as a whole woman and person.



You’re looking for a human-first, zero cookie-cutter bullshit approach to life coaching

You want raw, unedited, behind-the-scenes wisdom from other women as they do the inner healing to hold their biggest desires alongside you.

You’re looking for your no-takebacks community because fuck, it’s lonely out here!

In a world where everyone says you’ve been through too much, are too much, and ‘couldn’t possibly do that!’ you want to link up with women who remind you that you are loved, yes you can, and you are not alone.

You are *done* talking about surface-level BS. You want to know how other women handle the real shit – so you don’t feel alone and realize what you’re capable of too.

Where you are seen as a whole person and get real connections, answers, and neuroscience-backed tools to make moves and step into the truest, most-aligned version of yourself.

Ash, you *get* me – I am so fucking in!!!

Emily J.

“LOVE this community!! So much support and love pouring in constantly. Amazing women.”

Something on your mind? Dish.

If you have any questions about the Above the Standard Collective and whether this membership is for you, send me a dm, and I’ll personally respond.


This is a life-coaching membership and community that helps resilient, ambitious women go from “I’m too much” to unapologetically creating the big, bold, beautiful life you truly want.

This includes: 
  • Live, raw, and unedited ‘Musings’ – aka, life coaching, behind-the-scenes looks, and Q&A sessions with me every week in Voxer.

  • Monthly Healing Intensives and coaching sessions that go deep on topics like your relationship with money, maximizing time and energy, and identifying triggers.

  • Fireside Chats where you sit alongside and learn with resilient and bold women like you who are allergic to surface-level conversations.

Weekly Musings take place in our group Voxer channel. 

The delivery of our healing intensives varies each month and can include Zoom Masterclass meetings, Voxer-style workshops with coaching, pre-recorded audio teachings, and more. 

Fireside Chats take place on Zoom.

You’ll also have a membership portal in Mighty Networks that you can log into for past Musings, Fireside Chats, and Healing Intensives.

My love, you can expect to become the woman who can hold all her desires in life, motherhood, work, relationships, health, adventures, love, and finances.

You’ll get there by doing the inner healing and emotional work (in a safe space) required to trust yourself to know and pursue what you want in a way that aligns with your nervous system.

You can choose a six-monthly membership for $197/month or a 12-monthly membership for $167/month PLUS a bonus 1:1 coaching intensive with me. 

After your six or twelve-month commitment, your membership auto-renews monthly until you cancel with 30 days’ notice.

No, my love. Because you get immediate access to past Musings and Healing Intensives, I am not able to offer refunds. We do not accept cancellations before your membership commitment is up. 

But if you have any questions or hesitations before joining, I encourage you to contact my team at so we can discuss anything that’s on your mind. 

I want you to make this investment with full confidence and trust, and we will happily walk through any questions you have so you can be sure this is the right space for you.

This is for you if you are ready to do the inner healing and emotional work to become the woman who can hold more for her life, relationships, health, motherhood, career, and finances. 

This is for you if you’ve been told you were ‘too much’ for other spaces. If you are resilient and have had to fight for everything you have. If you refuse to settle for the ordinary ‘standards’ everyone tells you to stick with for your life.

If you identify with the above, this is the space for you. If you have questions or hesitations, contact my team at so we can discuss anything that’s on your heart and give you clarity before joining.

Because you get immediate access to the materials, refunds are not given when you sign up for your six or twelve-month commitment. We do not accept cancellations before your membership commitment is up.

YES! This is not just for business owners (though you may very likely find many entrepreneurs in this community). 

This space is dedicated to doing the inner healing and emotional work for you as a WHOLE woman and person. This is not only about business coaching or strategy – though we can and absolutely do talk about those things in our Musings if it’s on your mind. 

I don’t believe we can separate the business owner from the person, and this membership is about giving healing to you as the person (which will move mountains and create breakthroughs in your business or career and all areas of your life). 

We do not stay surface level.

We don't promise breakthroughs, community, and belonging and then shame you for going ‘outside the lines’ when you show up as your authentic self.

You are truly welcomed and celebrated for who you are today and who you are becoming—no takebacks.

I have a double Master’s in Counseling Psychology and Sociology, four years of experience in private practice, and seven years of experience as a life coach. I use real, neuroscience-backed practices to help you achieve breakthroughs. This is not fluff — these are healing tools rooted in psychology. 

I have helped thousands of women become the version of themselves who can hold everything they desire.

I walk the walk with you – I have been through a lot in this life, too, and I am not afraid to share my real experiences and wisdom so you can see your strength and find true belonging in a world that says you’re ‘too much.’ 

Fireside Chats take place on Zoom once a month. Times will vary and replays will be available in your Mighty Networks portal.

Musings take place weekly in Voxer. 

Healing Intensives take place monthly and can include Zoom Masterclass meetings, Voxer-style workshops with coaching, pre-recorded audio teachings, and more. Times and the length of each intensive will vary and replays are available in your Mighty Networks portal. 

My love, if you are worried about falling behind, then this is the space for you. We will do so much healing from that fear of falling behind or not doing enough that you have experienced in other programs. 

You cannot fall behind here.

Everything is in Voxer or your Mighty Networks portal, so you can listen in on your own time.

Fireside Chats will be recorded in your portal if you can’t attend live.

Holly H. 

“I knew I didn’t want another mastermind as I had just graduated from one, so this model where I could ask Ash questions and see how she was doing things just made sense.

Ash goes above and beyond in her delivery, and my favorite thing about working with her is that she very openly shares about life—what she’s going through and what she’s doing.”


Use $167 to snag a course, spiritual direction, therapy, or reiki session that *might* give you a few quick wins. 

 – OR — 

Use $167 to experience true inner healing and become the woman who can hold everything you desire. 


My love, don’t wait.

Join the waitlist. Enrollment will open January 2025

Scrolled this far?

The sooner you start, the sooner we can have that 1:1 Breakthrough Call! 

The sooner you can experience healing, massive shifts in your life, and that belonging without takebacks you’ve been missing.

Join the waitlist

Above the Standard Collective includes therapeutic practices, connection to women who just get it, 1:1 coaching without the price tag, fireside chats where vulnerability breeds healing, & more.
Join the waitlist to get first access when doors open next year!