The 4-Month Hybrid Mastermind Experience where tailored business strategies get a therapeutic edge

pairing emotional wellness with a customized approach that meets you where you’re at and takes you where you’re going.

Through innovative strategies and customized support, this high-touch, live container will take you from never-ending work & team requests to never-ending potential & big celebrations.

This is a 4-month hybrid mastermind experience offering high touch 1:1 support with the power of intimate community for the seasoned CEO who wants to prioritize emotional wellness so they feel GOOD in business & life.

In this mastermind, we're not just chasing quick wins; we're here for the long term.

If you’re craving more ease, more consistency, and more ride-or-die clients this was made for you.

Calling disruptors who aren’t here for a one-size-fits-all approach and care about creating work that’s meaningful
(not rushed or desperate).

You’re ready for something different, and I’m ready to meet you where you are and guide you there (tough love included).

Let’s face it - You know you can’t keep doing what you’re doing or you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.

You've already built a business you love, now it's time to refine your systems, create powerful consumer experiences, and build a strategy that stands the test of time.

You Want Someone To:

Hold space for you to come back to yourself & move forward as the founder you want to be

Help you redefine what you truly want & how you want to get there

Strategically call you to a higher level of service, diversification, and expertise within your business

Mentor you in a way that considers the duality of both strategy and emotional wellness 

If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried it all...

  • Chasing constant instant gratification
  • Putting high cash months before sustainable systems
  • The ever-draining live launch strategy 
  • Filling your one-to-one roster to the point of burnout 
  • Ignoring the emotional cues that something is wrong  
  • Constantly crushing your milestones but still feeling unsatisfied 
  • Attaching all your life desires to your business outcomes





"My greatest takeaway so far has been being reminded of my own magic and encouraged to play all out in a way that actually feels good for my nervous system. In addition, redefining success and what it looks and feels like has been such a godsend. Since meeting Ash and receiving her guidance, I have felt so wildly supported that I was able to make massive changes in my life and business with relative ease. It was almost as if I didn't skip a beat when pivoting when it would have been really easy to lick my wounds and hide. And instead, she saw me for who I am and encouraged me to keep going because the world needs me to show up. I am forever grateful. Joining this mastermind has shown me that there is still so much good in the coaching industry and that Ash is leading the way. Redefine has felt like home."


"I’m only 2 months into this mastermind and I have gained so much more clarity on what I want and what my goals are and how to actually do it all then ever before. The emotional pieces of this experience are what are truly changing everything for me. I’m breaking free from things I didn’t even know were holding me back for years. Just, thank you!"


“I’ve never felt more supported in my business. I cannot say how grateful and amazing that feels. As someone who has been doing it by myself for six years, this is what I have been needing - It’s the piece that has been missing for me. My heart is so full”

You’re not the only one - read what past clients have to say:

When I started building my business, it felt like an unending emotional rollercoaster.

What I learned is that much of this ‘emotional rollercoaster’ is a reflection of unresolved traumas infiltrating my business.
Now, through a psychology-backed & strategic approach, I’ve created a sustainable, energy-preserving business that’s here for the long term & I want to help you do the same. My approach prioritizes the emotional well-being of both the CEO and the consumer.

Think of me as your business therapist, committed to more than just monetary success strategic wins but also the inner work that ensures your capacity is expanding & your daily contentment is prioritized.

The constant flux of emotions had me swinging from moments of “holy shit this is amazing, I am a badass CEO” to “wtf, should I just burn my business to the ground - is this even worth it?”

I'm not your typical business coach – with 10+ years experience founding multi-six figure businesses and an education in Psychology, I bring a very unique perspective and process to business mentorship.

I have helped hundreds of founders around the world maximize their business efforts & successes while mindfully addressing the emotional component of being an entrepreneur & ultimately, a human.


Having the ability to navigate easy & flowing moments as seamlessly as you navigate the challenging ones

Having a deep inner compass that’s driving your course rather than a constant need to look outward for the answers, direction, or validation

Having the practices & resilience to adjust during all the seasons of entrepreneurship without faltering on your values

This exclusive experience is designed to help you redefine the way you do business — where you finally prioritize your emotional wellness in conjunction with tailored business strategies. 

What does emotional wellness as a CEO mean? It means…

holy shit, yes please

Kind Words From Clients

Redefine Is Not Just Another Mastermind

 It’s a partnership with Ash directly working on your business, it’s an intimate group dynamic nurtured with intentionality & it’s therapy for you & your business. 

90-minute kick off intensive with Ash 

Two hot-seat coaching sessions

Monthly emotional processing calls 

Monthly Leadership training calls

Unlimited revisions and feedback on your work 

Unlimited group Voxer support 

  • 90-minute kick off intensive with Ash 
  • Two hot-seat coaching sessions
  • Monthly emotional processing calls 
  • Monthly Leadership training calls
  • Unlimited revisions and feedback on your work 
  • Unlimited group Voxer support

Here's what you're getting inside:

Next round: January-April 2025

Before the mastermind even begins, we’ll do your one-to-one kick off call. This includes a high level business evaluation providing effective business strategy that’s aligned with your values, feedback & implementable action steps to close gaps you didn’t see. This will be your roadmap & accountability tracker while working together.




Strategically: With clarity on the elements & operations that are hindering your income & growth, we’ll collectively focus on business refinements that equate to more sustainability and easier success. We’ll also dive deep into visibility tactics & strategies to breed greater human connection and seamless selling conversions. Finally, we’ll utilize our advanced communities to raise the collective voice.

Emotionally: Together we’ll be peeling back the layers of being a high achiever & releasing the wounds of success we carry maximizing emotional management, letting the ego go & activating genuine courage + commitment to your mission.




Strategically: Collectively raising the standard - we’re focused on personalized consumer experiences, behind-the-scenes ethical business practices, and communication procedures that will ensure we can leave the world better than we found it. Leading with integrity at the forefront, we’ll optimize how you serve & maximize the legacy of your business. 

Emotionally: With a deeper understanding of the emotional blockers that were holding you back, we’ll work on building emotional resilience which cultivates the discipline to keep showing up. Together we will hold space for our own human experience because a fully conscious YOU is required for a fully conscious business.




The phases of redefine:


8 monthly payments of

8 payments



Best Value



12 payments

Investment Options


Early Enrollment Bonus: Enroll by 6/21/24 and receive 2 bonus one-on-one calls in 2024

In the chase for success, we often abandon parts of ourselves to fit in…

You’re more than your title.
You’re more than your goals.

This mastermind is for the woman who understands that it only gets more complex the deeper we dive into business, the higher we climb the proverbial ladder, and the more we learn about ourselves as humans.

The traditional methods of building and growing profitable businesses are broken, outdated, and unsustainable. They feed burnout and encourage bad business practices (if you know, you know).

It’s about damn time we rethink how we show up, serve, and lead.

This is your invitation to swap copy-and-paste strategies and a profit-first mentality for an individualized approach that prioritizes emotional wellness and ethical decision-making—so you can build a business and life you’re proud of (that won’t crumble the second you step away).

Less profit-first, more connection, impact, and sustainability.

Less ‘like everyone else’ and more innovation.

Less focused on the destination, more enjoying the journey.

Private Coaching meets group therapy & strategic magic in this four-month mastermind beginning January 2025


A: There is a mix of 1:1 and group calls in this program. After you apply & enroll you’ll be given a calendar link to select your 1:1 call times. Group call times will be dependent on the needs of the unique group.

Q: When are the calls?

A: This mastermind combines personalized mentorship with a supportive community meaning you get 1:1 coaching, custom high-end business audits, AND the beauty of community collaboration all in one mastermind experience.

Q: What’s a hybrid mastermind?

A: This is an intimate container as it includes many high-touch elements where I’m working with you in your business in a personalized way. We’ll have no more than 8 beautiful souls walking this journey together - providing the perfect blend of intimate and collaborative.

Q: What’s the group size?

A: No problem. Recordings will be available. Call times will also vary so you may be able to make some calls and not others - that’s totally okay.

Q: What if I can’t make the live calls?

A: Yes! You’ll have access to replays.

Q: Are the calls recorded?

A: There are no refunds once you’ve enrolled.

Q: What is the refund or cancellation policy?

A: Just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch in ~48 hours with your next steps! It’s an easy-to-complete Google form that will help both you and I get clear on what is the best fit for you.

Q: What’s the application process?

If you're ready to build a business and life you're absolutely obsessed with & say goodbye to the old benchmarks of success while embracing emotional wellness as a CEO - then join us. 

The Redefine Mastermind is for the woman who is ready to rewrite her success story because she knows when you’re building something unshakeable, it starts with the roots.


Because you really can have both.

This is therapy for you and your business