• Where does all my time go?
  • Why are the actions I’m taking not moving me forward?
  • how can i prevent my emotions from impacting my consistency?
  • What’s the best strategy for sustainability?

This audio course will help you to halve your hours, increase your income, build sustainably, cultivate momentum, take quick + efficient action, and acquire massive spaciousness in your life through 25 value packed episodes.

If you have… then TIMELESS is for you.

Have you ever thought to yourself…

In this audio course, you’ll receive the tools to increase emotional resilience so you can cultivate sustainable speed inside your business.

You’ll acquire tools that help you increase your capacity and efficiency while reducing overwhelm.

And, you’ll become the master of intentionality - turning your energy from scattered to focused.

This audio course contains my best therapeutic approaches to reduce overwhelm & anxiety when it comes to your to do list. I know you’ll love it, but don’t take it from me…

The structures I am building because of Timeless are LIFE SAVING. My biggest win ever is that I'm doing ONE THING at a time. It is so beautiful how deeply all my 'tasks' are nourishing me now & how much more present I can be! My energy is higher & flowing & my nervous system is happy.

I just heard the Timeless broadcast about the dopamine and the snooze button and scattered energy vs. focused energy, and I feel like my mind is simultaneously blown while also feeling so ignited. I have been feeling so so tired…and now I feel like I know how to change that! If dopamine & neural pathway talk were love languages… you just filled my cup! Thank you, thank you a million times - THANK YOU.

Timeless is incredible! It's all so transformative & grounding at the same time. Everything I am learning feels so deeply life-changing!


Timeless really helped me to achieve focused energy versus the scattered energy that's been my norm. Now I have more creativity flowing, I'm accomplishing way more & it feels like I'm shedding all of the excess! 


It feels so good to have guaranteed income each month so now I can get creative with the new side of my business. The structure & sustainability give me creativity! 

I absolutely love Timeless. These 'anchor points' are game changing. It’s so helpful for me to hear how you utilize your time and space in business while always honoring yourself first. Thank you!





Welcome to the audio course where you will master speed, space, & sustainability so you can cut your hours in half & double your income.

You can listen as many times as you want ‘cause you get lifetime access

You get integration work to take the trainings to the next level

You can speed trainings up or slow them down (I’m a 2x listener, how 'bout you?)

You get access to pre-recorded trainings and response trainings with added value

You can tune in on your own time with ease via the podcast platform of your choice

as a private audio course…


  • Create space in your business so you can live life on your terms
  • Innovative strategies for your offers that will require less time from you
  • Cultivating more contentment which translates to more magnetism
  • Mental biohacking to break through unhealthy ‘hustle beliefs’ keeping you stuck in patterns of over-doing 
  • Finding your personalized flow state to increase productivity & decrease time spent
  • Tap into the power of co-creation inside your business


  • The exact steps to create more speed inside your business and life
  • Develop a structure that allows for flow
  • Systems to put into place for building momentum in your business 
  • Master cultivating focused energy
  • Keep your business moving even when you aren’t
  • Master your energetics so you can move with the speed you desire


  • Recurring revenue and passive income (and what the difference is)
  • Practices that allow for abundant sustainability month after month
  • Activate the ‘growth standard’ as your maximized strategy
  • Create a daily devotional practice to ignite the self-trust required to do business differently
  • Different types of consistency you can build out in your business


Why am I qualified to teach you all of this?

My work is greatly informed by the 2 Masters degrees I hold in Sociology & Counseling Psychology, as well as the 10+ years I have spent as an entrepreneur.

After building a successful private practice & consulting business, I moved into the online business space and have since generated over $1 million dollars in revenue over the last 3.5 years.

I am deeply passionate about helping female founders build ethical & sustainable businesses that create global impact through a psychology-backed, human-first approach.

Throughout the majority of my entrepreneurial journey, I have also been growing a family which means while I was celebrating all those lessons, celebrations and increased expertise - I was also birthing and raising three babies. I had no choice but to use my time wisely, turn focused energy into my greatest asset and follow a strategy that mastered speed, space, and sustainability.

And I believe that you deserve to have a life that comes before your business as well. 

Insert Timeless— Increase emotional resilience, cultivate sustainable speed inside your business, increase your capacity and efficiency, and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Hi - I’m Ash! I’m a Therapist, Business Coach and 3 time founder.

This is the behind-the-scenes of how I make multiple 6 figures while working 15 hours or less in my business each week & how you can too.

If identifying your business values & how to activate them inside your business, feeling more moment to moment contentment, and building & holding momentum through daily habits and structures sounds good to you…it’s time to enroll!

25 value packed trainings

When we can create a business that is truly designed around our lives, where our time is our own and we aren’t pacing with societal expectations but rather our own internal momentum, that is when we have embodied true abundance.

With the new paradigm of entrepreneurship, we now have the opportunity to be both extraordinarily financially abundant AND rich in time. You are truly timeless when you have boundless energy & mastered business systems.

Inside TIMELESS, I'll teach you how to do both.


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Pay In Full

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