Episode 108: Building Your Dream Team

Filed in All Episodes, Business Strategy, Leadership Development, Wealth Building — August 1, 2023

Hi, my friends! This is episode 108 of Shamelessly Ambitious && as always, remember if you prefer the audio version, you can tune in to that above. In this episode, we’re diving deep into the world of team leadership.

I want to share my journey of building and managing a team and the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. This is something that, even from my early entrepreneurial days, I’ve always had a burning desire to create so that I could pour into, support, and empower my team.

Dream Team

My journey to build a team started even before my coaching and online business mentor days. Whether it was my private practice or multiple network marketing ventures, I knew that having a team was essential to my version of success and it was something I desired so deeply to have. Over the years, I’ve had a few virtual assistants sporadically… However, it wasn’t until around 2019 that I decided to have more consistent support in my business and ultimately made my first TEAM hire.

My first significant step towards building a team was when I created the Ambitiously Aligned Arena, an online course. I hired a marketing agency to help with the project, which was my first experience of having a team behind me. It really sparked a fire within me, and this is when I knew I wanted more consistent, ongoing support. So, I began my search for a VA. After some interviews, I realized I wanted to hire more than just a VA, so I hired both an Online Business Manager (OBM) and a Virtual Assistant (VA) at the same time! This decision was pivotal in my journey because it marked the shift from being a solopreneur to embracing a more team-oriented approach as a CEO, Owner, and true BOSS.

During the interview & hiring process, I discovered something essential about myself — I wanted to pour into my team members rather than manage them. This realization was what led me to explore the role of an Online Business Manager versus VA and it was a perfect fit. She was the perfect fit. I found my incredible OBM, Shaina, who has been working with me for almost three years now, and I couldn’t be more grateful for her. She’s my right hand woman and does so much inside of my business: like overseeing projects and managing the rest of my ever-growing team members.

Since hiring Shaina, I have added various roles like a Podcast Manager, Pinterest Specialist, Creative Director, Bookkeeper, and Retreat Coordinator. I also just recently brought on a new VA. Each team member plays a crucial role in the success of my business and my personal growth. However, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. I’ve encountered challenges along the way when growing my team and one of the most significant hurdles was letting go of control.

Importance of Relinquishing Control

As entrepreneurs, we often feel like we are the only ones who can complete a task and are the ones who can do things the “best way” making relinquishing control a daunting task. But, if we truly want to step into the role of a CEO, it’s essential to learn to let go. A CEO shouldn’t be micromanaging every detail but should trust and empower their team to handle various tasks. That’s why I value my OBM so much because I trust her to manage, approve, and edit things through my lens so I don’t have to be “micro-managey.” Let’s be honest, no one likes being micromanaged! As well as acknowledging I needed to let go of control, I also knew I needed to support the growth of my team members and create a healthy work culture. Because of that, I’ve developed a few strategies specifically when hiring and maintaining my team.

Hiring Strategies & Maintaining A Team

First and foremost, I avoid making hiring decisions personally. Instead, I give people the opportunity to prove themselves and show that they’re the right fit for a specific role. This immediately creates a great relationship for us because I’m able to see their skills and offer an opportunity for higher pay while they are providing great results for me and showing they’re just as passionate about the growth of my business as I am. Hiring should be a mutually beneficial relationship and I truly aim to keep that true inside my business.

Off the bat, I establish clear communication checkpoints where we discuss progress and areas for growth, what feels good & what doesn’t, and where they could use some more support.

During our “work week” I love to utilize Loom videos to provide constructive feedback through a compliment sandwich. I start with praising their work, offer constructive criticism, and end with another compliment. This approach creates a supportive environment where team members feel appreciated and valued and I am able to guide them in a direction that feels more aligned with my feedback. Tune in to the episode to hear how I’ve been able to maintain my team members and create a relationship where trust and comfortability is present. 

When building a team, it’s so important to hire for roles that allow you, as the CEO, to focus on your strengths and passions. Delegate tasks that don’t align with your area of expertise. Create space for yourself to lead strategically and creatively. Remember, being a CEO means leading and empowering others to handle different aspects of your business.


Building and managing a team is a transformative journey that requires introspection, delegation, and effective leadership. I’ve had to learn to embrace growth by learning to let go of control and trust my team to handle various responsibilities and I invite you to do the same if you have a team or are looking to build one. Communicate openly and supportively to create a culture of growth and collaboration. Hiring strategically and delegating tasks will free up your time as a CEO, allowing you to focus on your unique talents and driving your business to new heights. So, take that leap, invest in your team, and watch your business soar like never before.

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I am the definition of duality—I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after (but faster).

My background in counseling and my experience founding three multi-6-figure businesses gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up and serve as an ethical and successful CEO. Leaning on my experiences, along with the experiences of the hundreds of women I’ve been honored to work with, I offer founders a psych-backed and human-first approach to scaling their legacies—both in and out of the office. 

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, but especially business. Because at the foundation of any profitable, sustainable, ethically sound business is one thing: humans being humans. And to do anything without first considering the human behind the action (i.e., with intention and vulnerability) is to remove our most powerful predictor of success—ourselves.

Around here, you’ll find a personalized and multidimensional client experience paired with a few tastefully dropped fucks. You’ll also find a new way of being in business that’s sustainable, ethical, and built around your life (not the other way around).

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