Episode 99: The Four Foundational Steps of Business

Filed in All Episodes, Business Strategy, Sales Psychology — June 29, 2023

Ahh, welcome back to Shamelessly Ambitious episode 99! Just one more episode and we’ll hit episode 100. What the actual heck?! The excitement is palpable! Make sure you tune in because it’s gonna be a big celebration.

In the last episode I mentioned I wanted to discuss the four most fundamental steps in building a business. So, today we are going to dive into those steps and I’ll share my personal experiences.


First things first, let me tell you about my incredible membership program called the Empire Society. It’s my absolute favorite place on the internet to connect with ambitious people like you. The Empire Society grants you access to all my DIY programs, and trust me, there are plenty of them. I guess during 2022 my creative side was in full swing, and I created a plethora of epic programs. From content creation and money management to identity work and daily practices, the Empire Society is jam-packed with insane value. Society members also get exclusive access to five of my retired programs…meaning they are no longer available to the public. It’s truly an invaluable resource. But that’s not all. Inside the Society, there’s a private Voxer broadcast called Empire Musings for members only. I love spending time there and connecting with my ride-or-dies. Every week, sometimes twice a week, I drop in to answer questions submitted by members and share behind-the-scenes insights in real time. Empire Musings is like our intimate gathering spot, where I can be real, transparent, and share both the highs and lows of my journey from my bubble bath with a glass of champagne.

Recently, one of the members asked me a thought-provoking question…

"Ash, if you were starting your business from scratch right now, what would be the most crucial things to focus on?”

It’s a question that resonates not only with new business owners but with any entrepreneur seeking growth, in fact if I was really on my game right now, I would be super focused on these four things, but shit’s kinda wild in my life right now as we settle in our new, Pinterest-perfect home.

I knew I wanted to share my response with you, too. So let’s get into it. What are the four foundational steps of business?


  1. Content is the queen that reigns supreme. It always has been & always will be. If you’re not consistently creating valuable content and finding sustainable ways to do so, you’re missing out on a vital opportunity. This isn’t just about creating original content; it’s about repurposing it and being present on multiple platforms. This is what’s going to create a solid omnipresence for you so as many people can find you as possible. Patience is key here, whether it’s through email, podcasting, or other channels, engagement doesn’t happen overnight, but if you’re strategic and patient, you’ll be able to watch your influence grow. It’s important to remember that I don’t do this on my own, but I was once a one-woman show and I know how overwhelming creating an omnipresence can feel so start with 2-3 platforms using recycled content and be consistent with it!


  1. While creating content is essential, building genuine connections is equally as important. It’s not enough to engage with your audience online, you must also connect with them in real life. Now I admit, I could definitely be better at this, but like I said, until I settle into my new home, this is gonna have to wait. Though, networking remains a powerful tool for success. I’ve witnessed the incredible results of my client who has established a strong network and builds her relationships authentically so when she creates a new offer, she sells out before even marketing it to the public. You can also connect by collaborating with like-minded individuals and serving your community. This step should never be underestimated.


  1. When it comes to your offers, clarity is crucial. Know what you bring to the table and why you’re the expert in your field. Many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of this step, but it’s essential to create a valuable offer suite that resonates with your audience. A high level of clarity not only strengthens your brand but also helps you communicate your value & message effectively. Dive deep into the strategy behind your offerings and ensure you understand the “why” behind your business.


  1. Selling. You’ve heard me before and I’m pretty sure my husband hears me say this in my sleep, but sell, sell, sell. Sell until it sells out. If you’re not actively promoting and talking about your offers, how is anybody supposed to know about them? I simply cannot emphasize it enough.. Sell every day, in various ways. It’s not just about the big launches; it’s about consistently showcasing your value in bite size information, too. Sales might not be everyone’s favorite part of running a business, but it’s an essential skill to master. Embrace selling as a way to serve your audience and fulfill their needs.

These four steps: Content, Connection, Clarity, and Selling — Are the building blocks of my business journey. I really wish I came up with a “C” word for selling so it could be the Four C’s, but ya know I couldn’t think of anything, ok?!

When starting a business or seeking growth, focus on these foundational steps, and watch your entrepreneurial dreams take flight. That’s all for today, my ambitious friend. I hope you found this episode insightful and inspiring. Remember, you have the power to make a difference with your unique message. Stay focused, stay determined, and always stay Shamelessly Ambitious.

Until next time… on episode freaking 100!


INNOVATE – https://ashmcdonald.thrivecart.com/innovate/

EMPIRE SOCIETY – https://ashmcdonaldmentoring.com/the-empire-society

POTENT – https://ashmcdonald.thrivecart.com/potent-podcourse/

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I am the definition of duality—I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after (but faster).

My background in counseling and my experience founding three multi-6-figure businesses gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up and serve as an ethical and successful CEO. Leaning on my experiences, along with the experiences of the hundreds of women I’ve been honored to work with, I offer founders a psych-backed and human-first approach to scaling their legacies—both in and out of the office. 

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, but especially business. Because at the foundation of any profitable, sustainable, ethically sound business is one thing: humans being humans. And to do anything without first considering the human behind the action (i.e., with intention and vulnerability) is to remove our most powerful predictor of success—ourselves.

Around here, you’ll find a personalized and multidimensional client experience paired with a few tastefully dropped fucks. You’ll also find a new way of being in business that’s sustainable, ethical, and built around your life (not the other way around).

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