The Balancing Act: Work, Kids, & The ‘More Than Enough’ Mindset – Shamelessly Ambitious Episode 138

Filed in All Episodes, Emotional Intelligence, Motherhood, Unconventional Living — June 11, 2024

Whew, I’m gonna have to get used to this. In today’s episode we’re walking together on Mission Beach in San Diego, California. 🌴 I’m sort of obsessed with this casual vibe. It feels like we’re on a hot girl walk together.

Today we get personal about how I’m embodying my “more than enough” era. Tune in to find out how my kids are actually helping me get really anchored into this mentality & how their perspective is beginning to shift, too. Realizing that we have a choice every single day on how we spend our time, where we spend our money, what we’re available for, && the things we allow ourselves to hear, to see, to witness, and to experience…


• Being content in our very small yet adorable San Diego beach house
• How I’m mbodying “more than enough” by appreciating the present & not constantly seeking more
• Teaching my children about the value of time & experiences over material possessions
• Associating work with joy & fulfillment rather than hardship & struggle
• Having autonomy over spending money while sticking to a strict budget


[0:42] The dream of recording a podcast during a walk on Mission Beach 🥹
[1:35] Spending a certain amount of time in my business & why
[3:40] Involving my kids in my “more than enough” era & curating more quality
[5:08] Buuut that doesn’t stop the continuous “wanting” from my kids everywhere we go
[7:58] Supporting my children with my new phrase while actually deeply supporting myself
[10:06] Changing the language that work is related to hardship & struggle
[11:42] How you choose to spend your money matters
[12:13] Having autonomy over spending while sticking to our strict nomad budget
[13:03] We all have choices every single day & we ought to show up for ourselves
[14:08] How sticking to our budget is going 🥴
[14:40] Leaning into your “more than enough” era
[15:25] The energy of those Cali folks is just different & I can’t wait to come back

Eeek! I am doing some special enrollment for the 2025 mastermind between now and 6/15! Eek! Make sure to apply here if you want a bonus of two one-on-one calls you can use right away! 🤤🫶🏻

This is a hybrid-mastermind experience where tailored business strategies get a therapeutic edge — pairing emotional wellness with a customized approach that meets you where you’re at and takes you where you’re going. Wanna learn more? Check it out here && I can’t wait to see your application!


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I am the definition of duality—I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after (but faster).

My background in counseling and my experience founding three multi-6-figure businesses gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up and serve as an ethical and successful CEO. Leaning on my experiences, along with the experiences of the hundreds of women I’ve been honored to work with, I offer founders a psych-backed and human-first approach to scaling their legacies—both in and out of the office. 

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, but especially business. Because at the foundation of any profitable, sustainable, ethically sound business is one thing: humans being humans. And to do anything without first considering the human behind the action (i.e., with intention and vulnerability) is to remove our most powerful predictor of success—ourselves.

Around here, you’ll find a personalized and multidimensional client experience paired with a few tastefully dropped fucks. You’ll also find a new way of being in business that’s sustainable, ethical, and built around your life (not the other way around).

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