The Perfect Business Plan Doesn’t Exist – Shamelessly Ambitious Episode 147

Filed in All Episodes, Business Strategy, Leadership Development, Motherhood, Wealth Building — August 13, 2024

Recently, I had a profound conversation with a client who’s part of my mastermind program—a hybrid model that blends one-on-one connection with group support. Our discussion started as most of my calls do, with a simple question: “What would feel so good for you right now? What kind of support do you really need?” Her response was straightforward, yet deeply relatable: “I just need a plan, and I need to feel like I know what I’m doing.”

With a smile, I had to giggle a bit. Isn’t that something we all crave? That sense of certainty, of having things perfectly mapped out? Whether it’s in business, motherhood, or just managing day-to-day life, we often think, “If I could just figure this out, then everything will fall into place.”

But here’s the truth: no one has it all figured out. And believing that it’s even possible to reach a point of perfection is where we set ourselves up for disappointment.

Yes, strategies and plans are essential. They provide direction and help us navigate the twists and turns of life. But if we’re holding on to the idea that we can nail everything down perfectly, we’re missing the bigger picture. Life will always throw us curveballs, and adaptability is key.

During this call, we did create a plan, but the real breakthrough came when we discussed the importance of releasing the expectation of perfection. It’s about understanding that things won’t always make sense, and that’s okay. Especially as a business owner, there will be days when you walk into your workspace and think, “What am I doing?”

The same goes for motherhood. As I step into the role of a homeschooling mom, I’m constantly reminded of why I chose this path. One reason is to preserve the innocence of childhood and let my kids experience life outside the rigid structures of a traditional school system. My three kids are so different from each other in how they learn, and I want to honor that individuality.

But let’s be real — homeschooling is overwhelming. Each of my children require a different approach && it’s a challenge to meet their unique needs. Yet, this challenge is also what makes homeschooling so rewarding. It’s about creating an environment where they can thrive, even if it means constantly adapting.

This brings me back to the conversation with my client. She was feeling a lot of pressure, comparing herself to others, and thinking she needed to have everything figured out. But as we talked, she realized that everyone’s journey is different. Just as children develop at their own pace, so do our businesses.

I asked her a crucial question: “How is your business serving you?”

It’s easy to get caught up in the to-do lists, the goals, and the metrics, but what about the joy? What about the fulfillment?

Her response was immediate. She realized that she loves what she does, enjoys learning, and is constantly growing. Her entire demeanor changed as she recognized that success isn’t just about hitting revenue targets or achieving external markers. Success can also be about joy, growth, and the fulfillment we get from simply doing what we love.

This shift in perspective is powerful. When we focus solely on challenges, everything feels like a burden. But when we take a moment to appreciate how our work, our relationships, and our daily lives serve us, we find peace and contentment.

So, I encourage you to ask yourself: How is your business, your life, or your relationships serving you? Are you finding joy in the journey? Remember, perfection isn’t the goal — progress and fulfillment are. Whether it’s in business, parenting, or just living, let’s embrace the imperfections and find beauty in the process. After all, it’s the little moments — the giggles, the learning, the growth — that truly make life meaningful.

xoxo, Ash


The key to a rich life is living like you already it. So much easier said than done. && as both a therapist and a life coach, I deeply understand that the real key to riches is knowing how to adjust and adapt to ultimately overcome resistance on your path to becoming her.

Thisaudio activation will help you clarify your motivations. It’ll help you embrace continuous growth and it will encourage you to let go of perfectionism so you can shift your perspective and take that radical responsibility for your life for the long haul.

📲 To get this free BTS training from the recent healing intensive, Her Reinvention, message me “becoming” on Instagram. It’s completely free.


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I am the definition of duality—I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after (but faster).

My background in counseling and my experience founding three multi-6-figure businesses gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up and serve as an ethical and successful CEO. Leaning on my experiences, along with the experiences of the hundreds of women I’ve been honored to work with, I offer founders a psych-backed and human-first approach to scaling their legacies—both in and out of the office. 

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, but especially business. Because at the foundation of any profitable, sustainable, ethically sound business is one thing: humans being humans. And to do anything without first considering the human behind the action (i.e., with intention and vulnerability) is to remove our most powerful predictor of success—ourselves.

Around here, you’ll find a personalized and multidimensional client experience paired with a few tastefully dropped fucks. You’ll also find a new way of being in business that’s sustainable, ethical, and built around your life (not the other way around).

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