Episode 10: Learning to Feel Good in Your Body with Alex Beyers

Filed in All Episodes, Emotional Intelligence — November 23, 2021

About the Episode:

On the show so far, we’ve talked a lot about overcoming burnout once it happens, but what if you could take steps to actually prevent it? Alex Beyers, a holistic wellness consultant at Eating at Altitude is joining me on Shamelessly Ambitious today to share her best tips and tricks on making your health a priority in order to stop burnout in its tracks. You’ll hear how she incorporates whole foods and non-toxic living into her daily routine as a mom & business owner to completely transform how she sees herself, her health, and her life. If you’re ready to be more proactive instead of reactive, this episode is for you. 

Topics Discussed:

  • Alex’s own story with learning to feel good in her own body and how this led to the start of her business
  • The reminder that everyone experiences burnout, no matter what you may be an expert in 
  • How health is our insurance policy, especially as self employed mothers 
  • Alex’s tips and tricks to make health a priority in order to prevent burnout before it happens
  • Getting rid of the shame as a health and wellness expert who also gets sick
  • What it means to Alex to be Shamelessly Ambitious

About Alex:

Alex is a Colorado based mama and holistic wellness consultant using her expertise to help educate busy women and multitasking mamas on the power of wellness practices, whole foods & non toxic living without sacrificing their time or convenience.

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Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode

Ash McDonald (00:00):

Oh, Alex, I am so excited to have you here today. I am interviewing Alex. Alex is a friend. She is a colleague. She is just all the things I have collaborated with her. I’ve had her in my programs. I have her as an amazing guest expert within the flow lab, which you all know is something that you want to get your hands on right now. She’s just amazing. And so I am so excited to bring her here. Alex is a Colorado based mama and holistic wellness consultant that uses her expertise to help educate busy women and multitasking moms on the power of wellness practices, which is one of the big things we’re going to talk about today. Whole foods and nontoxic living. And I cannot wait to dive in. So Alex, thank you so much for being here.

Alex Beyers (00:47):

Well, as always, I feel so special. No matter how many times you asked me to do something, because I love working alongside you. And I believe in everything that you do. So I’m so excited for this conversation.

Ash McDonald (00:58):

Yes. So I gave a little bit about you, but I’d love for you to take a moment to share who are you. We know you’re in Colorado, but who are your VIP’s? And if you have not heard this phrase before, this is your very important people, essentially the people you do it all for.

Alex Beyers (01:12):

I have two very important people in my life. I have a year and a half old Charlie, my son and my husband will, we also have a Goldendoodle. She’s a little bit neglected at the moment with the kiddo coming in, but I love her too. And they are truly who I do everything for. And similar to Ash, like things have changed as I’ve become a mom. And those priorities have just escalated with those people and the reasoning behind me doing everything that I do.

Ash McDonald (01:40):

Oh my gosh. So, so true. So I believe that every woman on this earth is doing the things that she’s doing because of some like deep seated impact desire that she has. I think this is one of the things that really sets women apart. Like we, we go after the stuff that is going to make a change in the world. And so I love to ask my guests, who do you serve? But more importantly, why do you serve them?

Alex Beyers (02:04):

Yes. So I have always been a girl’s girl, always had them since I was young. Like I love my girl gang and I’ve always loved supporting women, women. I’m an Enneagram too. So I’m sure your audience knows Enneagram. And that is just really a mama figure. You know, you’re the quarter, you’re the giver. And that has always just been who I am to my core and how it plays into where I am in wellness now is that my backstory is I had a really hard time after college with weight. Hi, we’re women. We’ve all struggled with weight at some point in our life. And I just went through this phase where I did what, well, let me backtrack a little bit further. In high school, I was an athlete, never worried about my body image, never worried about what ate college. I went to the opposite end of the spectrum never worked out because I didn’t correlate that with like my body size, my body mentality, how I viewed myself, I just thought I was naturally thin.

Alex Beyers (03:01):

And so I like spiraled out of control with food and alcohol. And I got to this point where I graduated college and I looked at myself in the mirror and I was like, who is this person? Like, I didn’t, I just didn’t feel like myself and my body. And I just would look at myself and be like, who is this person? So following college, I dieted and I worked out excessively, you know, and I was a yo-yo diet, or I would just like send restricts and restricts. You know what, we’ve all done. I won’t go into super detail. We’ve all been down this road, but I did that for a long time. And I was just very unhappy and I looked great. I felt good about my body. Like from an expectation standpoint, maybe not so much a love myself standpoint, but I liked how I looked in my clothes.

Alex Beyers (03:51):

And then I got to a point where like, I can’t live my life like this. I started dating my husband and I, you know, you’re going out to dinner or you’re doing fun things. And I would stress about everything. And I’m like, I can’t live my life like this. I can’t go on living in this way that I’m restricting all the time. And so I ended up just kind of throwing in the towel and was like, I can’t do this anymore. Something’s not working. This is not sustainable. Long-Term which we all know now. I mean, so many things are coming out that just diets are meant to be maintained for longterm. And I found whole foods. I started eating a whole food diet. And if you don’t know what that is, it’s really just eliminating processed foods, eating foods in their truest form, fruits, vegetables, proteins, you know, fiber, all of that.

Alex Beyers (04:34):

And I did lose weight doing that, but that wasn’t the goal. But I just felt better. It completely, this was over like a 30 day period back in 2014. And I just felt completely different. I was like, who is this person mentally? Like, I’m sleeping better. I feel better about myself. I’m like doing things because I want to, I’m eating things because I want to, and I just started down this journey of transitioning my mindset and relationship with food over the course of like three years. And, you know, I think for women, we struggle a lot with what we’ve been told and the narratives we have in our head and limiting beliefs around food. And it took me three years and still times where I have to kind of like, you know, backtrack into these thoughts that I’ve had. And so long story short, I started eating well.

Alex Beyers (05:35):

I started caring for myself more and, and food became the foundation of who I am now of, I have a morning routine. I work out because I like to, and it feels good. And it just kind of helps me explore and expand my mind around wellness and doing, adding other things into my routine. That felt good. So back in 2017, I started my blog, which is a whole foods blog. And I truly just thought I’m going to share these great recipes. I love to cook. I love to make eating healthy, so fun and convenient and accessible for any person out there. And now, because since becoming a mom and working and having all these jobs that we have, I was like, how can I share this? Like I want other women to feel good and know that they can feel good and it’s not going to be the same every day, but what are the things that we can do for ourselves to just do everything that we can to feel our best?

Alex Beyers (06:33):

No matter whether you’re sick, you’re in the chaotic moments of life. It’s just like, if we can sprinkle in these little habits and food and wellness that make you feel good, like every woman deserves that. And that is where my business is now. I’m like, how can I help? How can I help women create these routines for themselves? How can I help them understand how to cook better for their family? Even if they’re ordering takeout? Like what can I do for you? Like asking me and I will give to you, you know, I just want every woman to know that they can feel good in their body and their life and feeling certain ways about ourselves. And just isn’t you don’t set that way. You just don’t. So that’s a long roundabout story of where I started, where I am and why I just love serving women because I want everybody to feel their best. I just truly, at my core do,

Ash McDonald (07:25):

Yeah. I can feel that passion when you’re talking about it. And that’s why I like asking that question, because I think we can all say that, like I helped that did that, did that help statement. Right. But it has nothing to do with like the true bonafide story that led us to where we are that has us like to our core waking every morning, like that ambitiousness of like, how can I serve this woman? How can I show up for her? How can I create for her? And I will just like side note Alex’s recipes are fire they’re are so good. So you’re going to have to go check them out. I love them, particularly those thing, breakfast burritos, man. I could just eat those all day. Right.

Ash McDonald (08:02):

So I’ve just, I’m so grateful that you share all that and you share it with such passion because it’s important. It’s important that we normalize this. I think, I don’t think there’s a woman out there that can’t say, oh yeah, me and food. That that’s a whole other category or me and fitness in my body and how I see myself. Right. And I think it’s important to normalize those conversations so that we remember that this is something everybody is feeling. It’s not something that just you’re feeling. You know, I say this a lot on this podcast, but I’m going to keep saying it. The definition of shame is to feel as though you were alone and you’re the only person experiencing it, which is why these conversations are important. So you’ve, you’ve had this blog, you’ve pivoted into coaching and running this beautiful majorly impactful program. And so I want to ask you, have you ever experienced burnout?

Alex Beyers (08:52):

Oh my, oh my, well, let me just share another little tidbit with your listeners who don’t know me. I, while I am an entrepreneur, I also have a full time, 40 hour a week job. I have a toddler and I won’t go into the other list of things that we all are. So I basically have like four full-time jobs. So we have experienced burnout and you know, there is shame around it. I think, especially as parents, you know, you’re like I have to be providing for my family. I have to be cooking home cooked meals every night. I have to have to have to be doing these things. There are so many expectations and to do lists that are created for us, not by us. And yes, I mean, I think I’ve experienced burnout in every season of life. Even when you are an expert in your field of wellness or an expert in your field of, you know, working off biohacking your business or whatever it is, working off your cycle, everybody experiences burnout. And if you say you haven’t, you are lying.

Ash McDonald (10:05):

Yes, yes. That is it. Mike drop right there.

Ash McDonald (10:12):

I love it. So, so you know, the reason why I asked this and I, I have this conversation, I think I’m going to say normalization 17,000 times, you know, on every episode, but is because again, we live in this society, particularly of female owned, you know, business owners are constantly in this belief system of like, you get burnout, you figure it out and then you’ve never faced it again. Or you hide behind it because there’s so much shame that you’re doing things wrong or that you’re working too much or, you know, all these other things. I just had another guest on, we were talking about just this, you know, this belief that if I just work more and work more than the burnout will go away, because my stress is because I’m behind obviously. And that’s just not the case. I’d love to just hear from you in this realm.

Ash McDonald (10:56):

We talked about this a little bit before we hopped on the episode, actually we’re both have Belle, both been dealing with sick kids. It has been a D a thing lately to have sick kids at home. You didn’t feel very well. And I was telling Alex that I felt this just heaviness with having my kids sick and all the things that are falling behind. And I saw someone else post on their stories like, oh, my kids are sick, but I’m so grateful to be able to just be home. Cause I make my own schedule. And I felt shame because I wasn’t feeling, oh, I’m just so grateful that I’m home with my kids. I was thinking this sucks. Like I am falling behind. I am rescheduling everything. I am stressed to my max, if anything. Sure. Maybe I’m back in burnout again, because we’re going on seven full days of kids being sick home, including right now my husband’s got the kids in a different room. And so I know you’ve been facing this and we were talking about this and you said something to me, you said health is our insurance policy. And just so good. I would love for you again a little bit more with that.

Alex Beyers (11:56):

Yeah. I mean, like Ash said, we have been dealing with this and I had to cancel a trip to Mexico. Like something, one thing about health is our insurance policies. I am very strict in my boundaries of creating space for myself and having these, you know, trips or nights away or massages or whatever. That’s my thing. And I had to cancel this trip and I was like, great. I have been looking forward to this as relief. Like I had been feeling burnt out and I was like, I need to get out of here. I need to separate myself. And that was the only out that I felt like I had. But with, with all of the things that we have going on and with burnout, I think the most, that is a time where you just are like, I just want to order takeout. I’m so tired.

Alex Beyers (12:39):

I just, yeah, I’m just going to keep working through it so that the to-do list is gone. But that is where we fail ourselves. When we are in burnout, we need our space, our boundaries, our health, more than ever before. So when I’m in those moments, I, well, the health is an insurance policy thing is from leading up to that is why I prioritize eating healthy. We rarely get sick and maybe that’s just great, a minute noon. Maybe it’s the good eating, whatever it is. Like the I’m considering that my actions are paying off because we rarely get sick. And when I’m in those moments of, I can’t escape, I can’t get out of my house. And I that’s when I’m like, I’m going to hop on the Peloton or I’m going to go for a walk outside. But rather than just sit in, it let’s do something for ourselves to, to get our mind, our blood moving.

Alex Beyers (13:36):

Because just in those moments, it can be harder. I’m not saying, yeah, we can all take Mexico trips once a month. We can all go get massages even once a year. Sometimes some moms can’t, you know, but what can you do to give yourself these little, like I said before, sprinkles of goodness throughout your day to just give you some relief. I mean, it could literally be closing yourself in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet for 10 minutes, scrolling your phone, like that is for your mental health. Okay. That is an action that you’re taking for your mental health. So just, I think sometimes we think with boundaries and self care and all these things are these like big extravagant actions that we have to take for ourselves, but it’s not, it’s having not looking at your phone until eight in the morning because that makes you feel better.

Alex Beyers (14:24):

Or, you know, again, going in the bathroom, going for a walk, stepping outside, you talked about that in your previous one of your previous episodes, it’s just like getting outside and grounding yourself for three minutes. Like it doesn’t have to be extravagant. So I think just knowing what those actions are for yourself, I teach my clients like a self-care dump list. Like when you have five minutes to yourself, open the notes on your phone, pick one thing that you can do and you’re done. Like it doesn’t have be these things where you have to ask for help and all of those there’s time and there’s a time and a place for that. So I think just knowing these things that bring you joy in the moment, and then just when you do feel your best, continuing those things. So they’re more habitual and you’re more likely to do them when you’re in the trenches.

Ash McDonald (15:09):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I call mine the healing list, but it’s essentially the same thing of like anything that makes you feel good. But I also like, you know, this concept of the preventative stuff, right? Cause yeah, it’s important to recognize when you have burnout and to take it seriously to not think that the more I do the better, I feel it’s actually your body calling you to like chill out and relax. Right. We all, you’ve heard me talk about this before, but we all know cortisol just gets dumped in our body under stress. And there’s so much more biologically that is going wrong when we don’t listen to that cue when we just try to move forward and ignore it. That being said you and where you’re at and what you do. I’d love to hear if you have any tips and tricks for just health steps that we can take prior to burnout. I love the concept of like after, but what do we do prior to just really make health a priority? Because yes, I’m a holistic business coach for a reason like there, right? We can’t simply worry about our business strategy. We have to worry about our health.

Alex Beyers (16:06):

Yeah. And one thing you talked about a lot and I’ve realized that I do too, is even with my two full-time jobs, I, I work less than 40 hours a week because I have these boundaries in place that allow me to, I guess, succeed or advance further because I allowed the rest to happen or I’ve allowed the space to be there for me to rejuvenate. And I think that goes in any season of life, whether you’re feeling your best year at burnout, whatever it is, but continuing these health habits that just essentially are you paying your money towards your insurance policy. So for me, it starts with food. Food is fundamental at a cellular level in our bodies. Like we have to be able to function. And what I didn’t realize when I was dieting, is that how good food can make you feel?

Alex Beyers (16:59):

I just saw an Instagram post the other day that talking about like, when you’re eating for your body and you feel a certain way, like you want to eat vegetables. Cause you’re like, dang, I made me feel good. Or like when I’m feeling sick, I’m more likely to grab the bone broth or grab a kale salad or something that I’m like, what does my body need? Like when you’re actually turning in into your body, which is hard for some people to do, because we’ve never, we weren’t taught how to do that. Right. We weren’t taught to listen to the cues that our body is giving us that it can take time. So I would say to anybody listening, if you haven’t gone down that route before and with what Ash teaches as well, it’s very intuitive. Give yourself grace and, and listening. You know, we haven’t been taught to listen to our bodies and it’s a foreign language sometimes, but once you there it’s like second nature.

Alex Beyers (17:51):

So I would just say at your core, fueling your body with food, that makes you feel good. I’m not saying that you have to eat a whole foods. 100% of the time, I probably eat like 80 20, because I also think for your mental health, you need to eat things that you enjoy and enjoy outings with friends. But I would say food is at the foundation. And if you’re like, I don’t know how to plan meals. I don’t know how to, I don’t have time. Yeah, we all hear it. But I would just say, take 20 minutes on Saturday or Sunday to plan your meals for the week, schedule your grocery. So you can take, don’t have to go to the grocery store. And in reality, you’re giving yourself back time in the week because not only do you already know what you’re making for dinner every night, you already know what you’re packing for your kids’ lunches.

Alex Beyers (18:40):

You already have breakfast prep. I always have breakfast prep. That’s the one thing I love to cook every single day. And I know that I might be like a unicorn in that sense, because not everybody does that because cooking is kind of my self-care at the end of the day. Not so much when the toddler’s in the kitchen, but I know that if I don’t have breakfast prep, I won’t eat. And then I get a headache because I drank coffee and then I lose time in the day. Cause I have to lay down it’s viral and all these things, I would just say, know your schedule and find what works for you. So build in meal prep, if that makes sense, always have your meals plans, because then you’re less likely to make these like spur of the moment decisions of grabbing takeout or whatever it is. But food is the foundation in my mind of just moving forward, I guess, did that kind of answer the question? I kind of went around about way.

Ash McDonald (19:33):

I think what you’re saying here is like, you need to stop thinking of food as just this like non non-issue or non thing and realize that it’s such a fundamental piece of the success in your business. And I see a lot of ambitious women just focused on better strategy and more doing and all of the things. And as a holistic business coach, I’m always trying to bring them back to the foundation of like none of that really matters. And the truth is the more into yourself and the more wellness that you feel, the more impact that you make, which is fundamentally what you started this for in the first place. Right? And I just have to have this little plug here that you really want to feel good eat for your cycle because it will change everything. In fact, Alex came in to the flow lab.

Ash McDonald (20:14):

She’s one of the guest experts in the app, speaking about how to eat within your phases, right? The foods that your menstrual phase calls for the foods that you’re fully clear face calls for these little shifts, even if just simply seed cycling is so incredibly. Cause that’s obviously food, right? That’s so incredibly impactful to your wellness and how you feel. And I love that point where you’re like, it’s going to cost us somewhere. Right? I always say that even with, with wellness, right? Like you’re going to either, you’re going to be well now or sick now, or well now we’re sick later. Like you have to make a choice between these two things, right. And that’s within your weeks, right? You’re you’re going to go, go, go, go, go. You’ll eventually have no steam left. So you can either manage your time to have the ins and the outs, the ebbs and flows the, the hustle and the flow so that you can stay consistent and have like that steadiness within your day to day.

Ash McDonald (21:04):

Or you can go all in and you’re eventually going to just completely fall to the ground burnout. It, it is, it is a hundred percent sure of that. You’re going to do that. And that’s the power of like cyclical alignment and sticking with your cycle is that there’s actual times in your phases that tell you when to be more restful to tell you what to eat, to tell you when, to be more productive and to go, go, go, it wasn’t built like this. We were not built like this for no reason. There was something to it. And I know you practice this. I know it’s so big for you. So I don’t know if you have any other tips or tricks that you’d want to share a psychosis or even just how that has changed or helped you in your time.

Alex Beyers (21:39):

Yeah, definitely. And before I go into that, I will say one thing that you said is that when you are in those burnout phases or when you’re deciding, I ha I, you have no other choice than to go to go go. Maybe you’re working a deadline that is when it’s even more crucial to eat. So you have energy like hydrate so that you have energy. Like that’s when your body needs it most rather than just being like, I’m just going to grab something really quick. Those are the weeks. If you know, you have that week ahead, plan planning is just always the key. But with the cycle thinking this was completely mind blowing for me. And you I’ve learned basically everything I know about cycle thinking from you. And it has been, I’ve been practicing it for just over a year. I started in September last year and it’s October now Tober a year later.

Alex Beyers (22:24):

Because I was trying to get my cycle back after having my son. And it’s been just incredible. Again, it kind of, for me, as I explore these different places in wellness, like if you had told me about cycle thinking years ago, I’d probably have been like, ah, that makes no sense to me, but now I’m always like, what more can I do to support my pastoral, like ebbs and flows. And it has been a game changer, not only as an entrepreneur, but as in my relationships in just who I am individually. Because I think again, where the shame comes in, you’re like, why do I not feel like working out today? Gosh, why can I not get through my to-do list? And then you’re like, wow, I’m in menstrual phase. Maybe I should just tone it down and rest during this phase. So that in the next phase I am, when I have higher energy, I can go, go, go a little bit more and planning your months around that your family outings, your everything has just made me feel sometimes I’m like, am I crazy?

Alex Beyers (23:25):

Because you know, I, I was just talking to my husband about this last night. We I’m like, I sometimes just don’t care anymore. What other people think? And I’ve gotten to this point where I’m like, I’m so comfortable where I’m at with my processes, because everything is based around my health and wellness, my cycle thinking. And, but it works. It’s like, you’re just, you kind of get to this point where you’re unapologetic, right? And it’s just like, I, but it goes back to, this is why women need to know this information. Every mom, every woman, every young girl should know how to live their life in a way that you feel the best that you can every single day. And again, some days are hard, but you’re still the best version of yourself in that moment, because you’re doing the things that serve you, doing the things that serve your cycle. And it’s just, it’s so much easier. Life is just easier, right? I sometimes think I’m like a little bit naive, but I’m like, no, I’m not. I’m doing, this is me. This is my life. And I’m, I’m refused to be anything less than that.

Ash McDonald (24:33):

Oh my gosh. I mean, you’re obviously Bridget, because my schedule, my whole calendar is just what phase I’m in. And there’s some people that haven’t taken this or done this, that I’m like close with friends and stuff. And I can tell that they’re a little, like why. And I’m like, I don’t know if that’s going to work. I’m in luteal I’m just not super people leave during that time or whatever the case may be. So I think it’s yes, yes, yes. And yes. So I’m actually gonna, I’m going to pivot us a minute and circle back around to one of the things we were talking about yes. Back to shame. But when you were talking, you were talking about your kiddo being sick and just all the things you were feeling. And I had this moment, this like flashback of shame for myself, I have spent I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade.

Ash McDonald (25:14):

And the beginning part of my entrepreneurship was in wellness. So I helped women do five day resets and eat better and all these things. So I get all of this. Can I remember hiding my, when I would get sick or when my kids would get sick, I’ll be it rare. I would hide it because I felt this like, oh, I’m teaching this. I should hide this. And I felt that now with burnout, right? I came out about it, but they, the original like felt it sometime in like March, I want to say just massive burnout. And my first instinct was you are a fraud. You’re a fraud because you teach this, you shouldn’t experience this, this shouldn’t be happening. So I had this flashback and I know that you speak to wellness, obviously I do as well, but you at a different level. And I just would love your thoughts on this and the shame around like being a wellness quote, unquote expert who also gets sick.

Alex Beyers (26:09):

Yeah. Oh my gosh. I truly battled this last week. I was like, am I going to post about this? Am I not? But I’m like, yes, I am. Because this is real life. And I’m sorry, I am so tired, especially, you know, you and I both run our businesses on Instagram, mostly, you know, that’s where we talk to our people and I’m like, you know what? Yeah, I am because this is where you build relationships. This is where you show that I am just like you, I, you, if you are struggling with something, you can be where am, because I have been there and I’m going through it now, you know, I think the authenticity is where people connect and I’m just, I refuse to fall like fall victim to imposter syndrome because of that. And I think, you know, limiting beliefs and all of that play into that as well.

Alex Beyers (27:00):

But there are so many times that I questioned things about if I’m going to share it, but you have to, because that’s where women know that it’s okay. It lets people not be perfect anymore. Why are we trying to be something that is unrealistic? It’s about creating this space for women to feel comfortable, to feel seen, to feel in alignment with what other women are going through. But, oh girl, I was last week. I’m like, do I share this? But then I’m like, oh, this is an opportunity to share about what things we’re doing to get healthy again. You know, because that is important to,

Ash McDonald (27:35):

It’s an important conversation because we’re not the only one I’m sure there’s, you know, I mean, I felt this right. A launch doesn’t go as planned and you’re a business strategist. Does your strategy really work, right? Oh yeah. You’re a wellness consultant and you’re sick. I mean, do your wellness tips really work? Like, I think it’s important to have these conversations, because again, this is where we hide out in shame, believing that being an expert in something means you need to be perfect in something. And that’s false. In fact, one of the things that I preach to my clients over and over, I have some extraordinary clients that do extraordinary things and time and time again, they all experienced the most difficulty in the areas that they are experts, right? Relationship coaches that have relationship issues, trauma coaches that have trauma issues. Like you name it, they have those issues and I’m constantly telling them, this is what makes you the leader of this industry, because you were being thrown back into the, the throws, the thick of these things so that you have more empathy.

Ash McDonald (28:34):

You have a greater capacity to show up for the women who are coming to you saying, I need what you have to offer, because if I didn’t continue to experience burnout, what I really have the ability to relate to and understand my clients who come to me saying, oh my gosh, I am lost under my work. Right? No I wouldn’t. And so I am never going to be the one here preaching, like, just be grateful for the opportunity to learn more and be like, I want to hold space for you to feel what you feel. But I also want to remind you, like, there is a reason for this, right? Every difficulty I’ve ever faced has made me a better leader period, because I think what makes up a good leader is the capacity to put yourself in the shoes of everybody that you serve at a very like primal level, not just like, oh, I understand. But like, no, I understand, right? Like you hear the tone difference there. Sometimes it’s hard for you being Italian. I just want everyone to see all my verbals. I’m sure. You’re like, wow. She is just all over the place, but you just get my voice today.

Alex Beyers (29:34):

No, but seriously, that is since it’s so funny because my brand has transitioned since from, before being a mom and becoming a mom, because I used to make these elaborate meals. I’m not going to lie. I’d be like in the kitchen for like two hours at night, you know? And now I’m like, what can I get on the table in 20 minutes or less? You know? And I do think that’s way more realistic and you kind of have to be in the trenches sometime to bring yourself back to those moments. And I hope you know, one thing that I’ll share here that I haven’t really shared with anybody is that when I share pictures of my body, you know, I’m very, I’m very open about self-love and just having a really strong relationship with my body and I, every single time still, there’s this little voice in my head that says, if you post this, because a lot of people correlate health to being skinny, you know?

Alex Beyers (30:30):

And I’m like, I’m going to lose potential clients or I’m going to lose people. Aren’t going to trust me because I’m not like this ideal body type. I mean, you know, and so every single time that little limiting belief is back. You’re saying, don’t post this because you are not the depiction of health. But then I remind myself that that’s not true. And I think if anybody out there is struggling in those moments of, should I be sharing, this is, this, does this, you know this integrate my reputation or whatever it might be, the answer is no. And that is only your inner bully telling you that it is. And if you feel strongly about your voice and what you’re teaching and what you’re giving to the world, then continue to do it. And that’s been one major struggle for me is with the body image stuff. And I’m open about that.

Ash McDonald (31:19):

Yeah. Oh, I love that. That’s so good. It’s such a great place to really like wrap that up on, right? Like you are exactly who you’re made to be and you are here to serve exactly who you’re made to serve. I think the greatest thing I’ve ever gripped onto as a business owner is that what is meant for me is, is simply going to happen. I cannot alter it. I cannot change it. Who I’m meant to serve. They are going to come and there is no amount of hustle. There’s no amount of extra, there’s no amount of perfection on my end. That’s ever going to change that. And so the best thing I can do is show up as fully as neat as possible because

Alex Beyers (31:57):

‘Cause the other thing too. Yeah. The other thing too is if we portray something that we’re not, then when those clients do come in, they’re going to be disappointed. They’re going to be disappointed when you start sharing the realities. And I’ve told myself that too, that’s something as an entrepreneur, I say, especially going into my launches is that I am going to attract the right clients at the right time and not everybody’s going to be for me, but the people who are going to be here and that’s just what you have to hold on to.

Ash McDonald (32:26):

I have this really awesome client. Who’s a relationship coach. And she she helps women specifically love themselves a little bit more so they could show up in the dating world and, and feel a little bit more aligned. But she always says this phrase and time, she says it, I’m like, that’s a good one. Not to give her your credit here for this. But she says, you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.

Alex Beyers (32:49):

Love it. I love

Ash McDonald (32:51):

That. Right. That is Katie Grimes. Y’all find her on incidents. He’s amazing. But truly, because I think that’s true in so many different areas, right? You cannot say the wrong thing to the right person. Right. Which essentially just gives you that confidence. It’s like, I can’t do anything wrong. Like if I just show up as the best version of me, I’m winning. Right. So good, Alex, this conversation has been so, so good. How can these amazing people find you? Where do they find you?

Alex Beyers (33:21):

I would love to connect on Instagram. If you find me on Instagram, I’m eating that at that out to two. So it’s eating it altitude with a little periods in between the words. Shoot me at the end. Let me know what you thought about the episode. I love to connect on Instagram. You can also find me on my website, which is where all of my recipes live. It’s www that eating@altitude.com.

Ash McDonald (33:47):

I love it. And Pete, those breakfast burritos. Cause they’re so great. All right. My final question. The question I ask all of my guests, what does it mean to you, Alex, to be shamelessly ambitious?

Alex Beyers (34:00):

Well, I kind of already touched on this, but you know, I think you just have to get to a point where you feel confident. You’re not, you’re unapologetically yourself. You’re unapologetically setting boundaries. And for me, I’m at this point and I have been for a while that I refuse to live a life that is anything but happiness. Like I’m only doing things that bring me joy. That’s not to say like, oh, I’m not going to pay my bills because they don’t bring me joy. But you know, it’s like making decisions for myself, my VIP’s and being happy. I mean, that’s what it comes down to. We only have one life and I just refuse to do anything less than happiness.

Ash McDonald (34:40):

Yes. I love that. So, so good. Gosh, thank you so much for being here. I think just really setting the tone here to remind women that they’re exactly who they’re supposed to be and that health is their insurance policy. So thank you for your energy for your time. We’re also sorry that you missed Mexico, but we’re so grateful that you were here. All of your love and light with us. Just thank you so much.

Alex Beyers (35:03):

Thank you for having me Ash. I really appreciate it.


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I am the definition of duality—I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after (but faster).

My background in counseling and my experience founding three multi-6-figure businesses gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up and serve as an ethical and successful CEO. Leaning on my experiences, along with the experiences of the hundreds of women I’ve been honored to work with, I offer founders a psych-backed and human-first approach to scaling their legacies—both in and out of the office. 

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to anything, but especially business. Because at the foundation of any profitable, sustainable, ethically sound business is one thing: humans being humans. And to do anything without first considering the human behind the action (i.e., with intention and vulnerability) is to remove our most powerful predictor of success—ourselves.

Around here, you’ll find a personalized and multidimensional client experience paired with a few tastefully dropped fucks. You’ll also find a new way of being in business that’s sustainable, ethical, and built around your life (not the other way around).

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